Monday, May 25, 2009


What's wrong with me? I am getting lazier and lazier by day.

I used to be the girl who can sit down and study for long hours straight without feeling bored or tired.

I used to be the girl who will feel guilty if I spend my free time doing something else apart from studying.

I used to be the girl who only took 20 - 30 minutes nap during the afternoon if I ever got too tired and woke up 20 - 30 minutes later and headed straight for the books once the nap time was over.

I used to be the girl who once refused to watch Anugerah Juara Lagu on the television because I convinced myself that it is not important, and it will not be tested on my exams.

Yes. I was nerdy and geeky. But I did not even feel that I am nerdy and geeky. I just feel that that was the right thing to do. That was what I was meant to do. To study. To excel in life. I am no genius. I know that. I need to work double as hard to achieve what I want to achieve in life.

But now, I am no longer that girl.

I am now the kind of girl who can only study for long hours when exam is nearing.

I am now the kind of girl who can only study for 1 hour at most (when exam is not lurking around the corner), and then easily become distracted with some other ridiculous, non useful, stuffs, like Facebook for instance.

I am now enjoying my life a bit too much. Huhu

I miss the old me. Sad, I know. I miss the old hardworking me. Because I know that I need the old me back because I just need the old me back.

Ok. Back to books. Not having exams at all this year is making me a slacker. huhu.

p/s: Gosh i sound like a weirdo. A nerd and a super geek. Hahaha.


FAR said...

klaka la kau nih tau takkk!!
wish im more like you

aliaa85 said...

hahahahahha. kelaka ke? aku dah pemalas ni wehhh. not goooood. heheh

Hacked by w3d0z said...

aliaa ko ni kire dh rajin dh..kami ni time exam je mau nak blaja...hahaha...=p

enjoy life!!

muni said...

haha. yg ajl tu yg paling tk tahan

aliaa85 said...

hahhaha. skema gila kan.