Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Leaving me on a jet plane

An unknown number rang my mobile this afternoon. Wondering who it was, i picked it up with a nonchalant voice (i was cramming my head for exams at that time. I was not in the mood to talk, really). Then, a sweet girly voice who introduce herself as Sarah spoke over the other side of the line. In the 'mamai' mood, i answered 'Oh Sarah'. As if i know who it was when in fact i had no idea which Sarah i was talking to. When she said "Akak Aliaa, kami nak balik dah esok ni". That was when it hit me. Oooh Maisarah! My adik angkat! Ohgosh, did she just say that she is going to leave tomorrow?

Huhu. Yes. She is. In fact, her whole family is. My foster family. Who has been kind enough to accept me into their family for the whole 3 years and so. And now, they are leaving me. Tomorrow. In a matter of 2 days, they will be safe and sound in Malaysia. Thousand miles apart. Haish.

Alia, Abg Kamil, Kak Mar, Me, Sarah, Mas

Oh well. Slowly slowly people surrounding me are starting to leave me. I can't even get myself to think what it is going to be like next year. No. I lied. I refused to think what its going to be like. Because i know it is just not going to be the same without these girls in my life : Atie, Dianah, Elly, Emy, Hunt, Jihan, Muni & Zack (nama disusun ikut alphabet untuk mengelakkan salah faham. hahhah)

They are all final years. Yes. That means i am going to be the only senior left next year. Ohgosh, i am going to be like a super senior kot next year. Which makes me feel and sound so old. Which doesn't help.

Ntah. I know there are going to be juniors left. I am not alone. But, somehow, i AM alone. Entah lah. Don't know how to say it. And Emy is sweet enough to make sure that anyone around me not to mention this final year thingy in front of me. Fair enough. Just avoid it as much as i can. Just even hearing bout it hurts me. Whatmore to experience it myself next year.

Oh well, lets just cherish the remaining times that we have then.

Jang & De'e. RINDU!


Z said...

why is everyone posting sedih2 punye entry? nxt yr aliaa, ur gonna be super senior aliaa..hehe

Anonymous said...

sedih...tanak bace lame2 nt ternangis...xpe alia..iAllah kalau ade rezeki nx yr..aku teman ko smpai abes blaja...(>_<)

ihsan_huhu said...


iman said...

Hmm sedey la when thinking about u guys gona leave us...Bosannya nanti!!i tot kak ely said she gona be here next year.Working.Hahaha(crap)

aliaa85 said...

huhu. i just felt sad for no reason, hence the entry was written. nyway, kpd siapa je la anonymous tu, kalu kau jadi sambung belaja tahun dpn, notify aku tauuuuu! heheh. n yeah iman, i myself cud not imagine how boring it will be next year. haish...i guess we will juz have to live with it.