Saturday, April 5, 2008

A dog's glare..

I was sitting on a bench, enjoying the fresh air, with a friend in a park one day when we saw a woman walking a dog a few yards in front of us. My friend said " Look at that dog! Its HUGE" I agreed that it was huge, and even uttered something which i should not have " Ohmigod, where is his head? I can't even see it" And we had a laugh about it.

A few minutes later, the woman and the huge black dog walked towards our bench. Somehow, the dog was extremely close to us when it walked passed by the bench we were sitting. As it walked pass me, i could swear, it stopped and looked at me straight into the eye. At that time, I did not think of anything else but fear. I feared the dog would jump on me or rip me apart or do whatever dogs do. huhu. But alhamdulillah, nothing like that happened.

Later on, when I was praying my Isya' prayers with my housemate, the image of the dog's eyes somehow popped into my head. My heart suddenly wretched when I remembered my comment towards the dog. I know, it is just a dog. It has no feelings like humans do. But, it does not deserve such a comment from me. I am a human being with a brain, who knows that everything on this Earth is created by Him, Allah Al Mighty. I should have known that to show disdain to a dog is to show disdain to His creation. In other words, to show disdain to Him. Astaghfirullahal'azim.

I felt extremely bad right now. And i am sure this is not the first time for me to do such a thing. To give such a ruthless comment on people or animals or any living creature surrounding me without much thought. I can bet you that i have done this shameful act thousands and thousands of times, let it be with or without conscious. Am I SO great that i am allowed to look down on others? I must be stupid to think that I am..

The dog's glare simply reminds me of my carelessness. Huhu.

Just a piece of reminder for all of those who are lovely enough to read my blog. huhu =)