Tuesday, June 17, 2008


Prejudice. Deny all you want, but either you realize it or not, we always have this negative attitude within us. It is as if we are born and bred with it. As if it runs in our veins, crawling under each and every inch of our skin.

Do you realize how easily we pass judgment on people? We are all too judgmental, and I loathe it.
We see a person dressed sloppily and appear unkempt, and we think that 'owh, this person must be poor'. He might have just happen to wake up late that morning and did not had the time to don himself properly, hence appearing unkempt.

We see a man driving his car at the speed of lightning, blasting horns to every car that drive at the speed of snail in front of him, and we easily labeled him as a road bully. He might have some sort of emergency that he has to attend to, who knows.

We see a man wearing a Pagoda shirt, walking out of his E series Mercedes, and we think that he must have been filthy rich. And if we see another man donning branded attire from head to toe, climbing out of a Proton Saga, i doubt any heads will turn.

And the examples goes on and on and on.

You can deny all you want, but yes, we are judgmental. Either conscious or subconsciously,we do it all the time.

And I am sick of it. Of judging people AND being judged by people all the time. I am what I am. And I am trying to change. But i refuse to change for other's sake. Only for Him, i will change. And trust me, i am trying. Slowly maybe, but at least I am trying. I know who I am. So please, stop judging.